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The Projects Tab: Overview

Topics covered: Projects, Archive projects, Filter projects, Search projects.

Updated over a week ago


Projects is the first screen you will see when logging in to the app. From here you will be able to access an existing project or create a new one.

Note: Projects can be archived but cannot be deleted. All archived projects can be accessed from this page.

Topics covered in this article:

  • To access video tutorials, click the Learning Path icon:

    Mask group.jpg
  • To write our support team for help, or search help articles, click the help icon:

Search projects

The Search projects bar allows you to search an existing project by project name. Refer to the article, How to search for a project?

Create new project

The +Project button allows you to create a new project. Refer to the article, How to create a new project in Design .efficiently?

Project list menu

  • Click Status to filter between Active and Archived projects. Refer to How to Archive a Project?

  • Click Project Owner to search by the creator.

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