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The Summary Tab: Overview

Topics covered: Summary tab, Title bar, Menu bar, Project details, Quick links, Recent documents.

Updated over 12 months ago


Summary is the starting page when you open a project in the design.efficiently application. The Summary page displays current projects details, a brief overview, and quick links to key project components (plans, schedules, and presentations). It also displays recently created PDF documents at the bottom of the page. This article will help you to navigate through the application's Summary tab.

Topics covered in this article:

Title bar

The Title bar is located at the top of the summary page, which provides access to the User Profile, along with Projects, Catalog, Accounts & Contacts, Admin Console (for users defined as 'Admin'), and History.

  • The Projects tab will navigate to a complete list of Projects for the org.

  • Click the Catalog tab to view the efficiently catalog of items.

  • Accounts & Contacts can be used to store important accounts and contact information.

  • The Admin Console includes office information(including users and office locations), book themes, an image library, and org settings for the application.

  • The History tab contains the most recently viewed Projects.

  • To access personal account information, provide account access to the efficiently support team, define individual user settings, or access billing details, the User Profile is located within the user's initials.

Menu bar

Just below the Title bar is the Menu bar with project level information.

  • The Project name of the current Project that you are working on is displayed on the left.

  • Tabs in the center allow you to navigate to different components of the project.

    • Summary displays the quick links and brief overview of the project.

    • Plans allow you to upload plans and automatically generate elevations.

    • Schedules allow you to create a single schedule displayed in two different views, making it easy to filter and view by the Room and Space on the plan, or by the Division (e.g. Finishes, Lighting, Plumbing, etc.). In addition, the Schedules view is where Items would customarily be added to a project, but they can also be added from the Plans or Books tabs.

    • Item IDs displays the summary of Items added to a project.

    • Books allows you to create client presentations.

    • Images allows you to store the Project images and access Org images and logos to use in your client presentations.

    • Documents displays Books that have been generated and are available for download.

  • Project settings allows you to edit default settings of the current Project.

Project details

Project details display the current project number and project name, address and the type of the project.

  • Project number is in reference to the number of projects created in your Org and Project name is the current name of the Project.

  • Project address is the address given for your current project.

  • Project type displays the type of project (e.g. New Build, Remodel, etc.).

Note: Click the Project name to edit the Project Details.

Quick Links

The Quick links layout provides quick links and summary for the major modules of the Project.

  1. CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN SETS displays the number of plan pages uploaded to the current project.

  2. ROOM & SPACE SCHEDULE displays the number of Rooms/Spaces created on the current project's schedule.

  3. ITEM SCHEDULE displays the number of Item IDs created on the current project's schedule.

  4. DESIGN & INSTALLATION BOOKS displays the total number of design books and installation books combined that have been created for the current project.

Note: Click the Tutorials button under each box to watch the related interactive how-to videos.

Recent documents

View the recently created PDF documents for the current project.

  • Click view all (top right) to access all the PDF documents created. You can download, rename or delete the PDF documents.

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