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Glossary of Terms
Updated over 8 months ago

Account: The company or Home Owner.

Admin or Administration Console: Only available to Organizational Administrators, this tab allows the Administrator to set, company Organizational Information, assign and manage users, manage themes, company images and Organizational Settings.

Alternative Items: These are alternatives to the primary item that has been selected for the Project Item ID. If thee project requires a Kitchen Faucet, then the Designer would add an Item to the Project Item ID and then add Alternative Items, this allows the Client to see both Primary and Alternatives and then comment on what they prefer.

Areas: Areas are related to Rooms and Spaces, an Area is an area inside a Space. Example: An area could be a Niche, a Cabinet, Stairs, a Door Opening. (Note: Areas are not currently available, they will be released in April 2024.

Attributes & Attribute Fields: Attributes are specifications of an item, Size, color etc. An Attribute field is the field that displays these attributes.

Book Themes and Theme Templates: Themes are design styles for Books that are created in the design.efficiently platform in the Administration section. The design.efficiently team has created Theme Templates that can be used to create Book Themes for your Organization (Org), you can then take these Theme Templates, copy them and then customize them in the Administration section, they then become available to your team.

Construction Set: (or Construction Plans): The Construction Set are the plans created by the Architect, used for the construction process. If the Interior Designer creates a set of plans we call the the Design Set (see Glossary).

Contact: A person associated with an Account.

Dependent Item: An item that is necessary for the installation or function of the main item. Dependents can be decorative and may vary for the same item across projects. Dependents have their own SKU.

Design Set: A Design Set is a set of plans created by a person other than the Architect. An Interior Designer for instance would want to make changes or updates to the Construction Set (Architectural plans) and create their own set (often referred to as an interior design set), we call this updated set the Design Set. Note: Many projects do not have a Construction Set and so the Design Set would be the primary set used. If a Construction Set exists then the Design Set would be used in conjunction with the Construction Set.

Item: An Item refers to a product. They are found in the Item Catalog.

Item Catalog: A selection of Items that are stored in the design.efficiently platform.

Locations: A Location is the area or location that an item is installed or placed in a project.

My Settings: These are your settings, this allows you to customize the settings for you individually.

Office: A unique office location for your Company Organization. This is set at the Admin Settings Tab.

Option: A product design element specific to a manufacturer or a particular item such as a finish color or trim style. Options are included with the item and do not have their own SKU.

Org, Organization, Org ID: Your Organization is your company or you, that you named your version of design.efficiently when you registered. Each ORG has an ORG ID that is issued when you register.

Parts: Parts are items that are necessary for the composition, function or installation of an Item.

Price: Price is an Attribute Field that can be populated by the org user.

Primary Item: The main item selected to a Project Item ID.

Primary Space: A Primary Space (see spaces lower in the Glossary), is the main space that is related to a Room. Every Room has a Primary Space.

Project Item ID: The Project Item ID, is an a unique ID for each division, that allows you to connect Locations with Items. The ID has is defined by Division, Item Type and Item Sub Type. EG: PL-01 is a the first Plumbing ID for the project and can be defined as Plumbing - Toilet, then connected to multiple locations, at a later stage you can select the actual Toilet Item. This allows the user to connect ID's to locations before you select the Item and switch the Item and it updates all connected locations.

Project Settings: These set the setting for this Project. The Project Settings will be set as the default system settings, however you can go in and adjust these to meet your individual needs.

Room Categories: A collection of Rooms Types.

Rooms and Room Types: ???

SKU & SKU2: SKU is a unique identifier that Manufacturers use to identify a product, each variation of a product will have a SKU, this allows for easy ordering of the product. NOTE: Some products do not have a SKU.

SKU2 is an Attribute Field that can be used to populate the Item with an Organizations custom SKU so that you can easily identify the item. SKU or SKU2 can be shown on client information.

Spaces: Are related to Rooms, a space normally has four elevations, floor and ceiling. An example of a Room / Space relationships is a Bathroom, a Bathroom often has a Shower and a W/C (Water Closet or Toilet), these are spaces in a room. For every Room their is a Primary Space, the Primary Space is the same as the Room, in the example above the Bathroom has 3 spaces, the Primary Space (Bathroom) and the two secondary spaces, the W./c and the Shower.

Specifications: Industry-standard design elements such as moulding profiles and panel styles that can be applied to relevant items. Specifications do not have SKUs.

Stakeholder or Project Stakeholder: A Stakeholder is a person associated with a Project. Architect. Designer, Contractor etc.

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