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Design 10: The Final Output

In this final module we review a

Updated over a week ago

All of the Books contain similar sections and you can choose to configure the different books by trying different layouts. I suggest you spend time trying each and finding the ones that suit.

NOTE: Like all areas this is one we would encourage feedback, the information is there, how do you want to see it presented. Please contact us with any suggestions.

Cover Page

The cover page is customizable by the Administrator. The page is available in the Administrative Themes - Page Size: Letter 11" x 8.5" in Portrait Mode.

The knowledge link: Customizing the Schedule Cover Page.

Table of Contents

This is autogenerated, you have the ability to turn this off or on in the Book Settings.

Room Schedule

Lists the Locations sorted by Room - Space. This view doesn't include all the Item ID information.

This section can be turned off or on.

Item ID Schedule

This section sorts by Item ID, it shows the Locations associated with the Item ID and

Item Information

This section is the most comprehensive. If you have specifications at the Item ID you need to display this section.

Technical Documentation

By selecting these you can add document pages rather than links to the Book (old Skool).

Here is the module:

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